The documentary “Among Giants” is the recording of a struggle to preserve Redwood’s natural forests. Redwood National and State Parks (RNSP) is a complex of many state and national parks, located along the coast of Northern California. It includes Redwood National Park (founded in 1968) and California’s Del Norte Coast, Jedediah Smith and Prairie Creek Redwoods State Parks (State Parks, dating back to the 1920s), the mixed RNSP, which contains 139,000 acres and has old tropical forests. Between the counties of Del Norte and Humboldt, the four parks together account for 45% of the remaining forests of old sequoia trees (Seqoia sempervirens), with a total height of at least 38,982 acres. These trees are the tallest, oldest and most massive tree species on Earth. In addition to the sequoia forests, the parks preserve other species of local flora, fauna, grass meadows, cultural resources, river sections and other streams, as well as 37 miles (60km) of coastline.
Since 1990, more than 435,000 acres of California forest have been deforested. In 2008, Green Diamond Co. began deforestation in the Redwoods. In response, “Farmer” and others moved into the forest and settled in the trees to prevent the forest from being destroyed.
At the risk of imprisoning and injuring themselves, environmental activists built small platforms on the trees. For three years they insisted on living this way.
The film was shot and completed in 2011 and a year later the race ended successfully for the inhabitants of the trees. In 2012, negotiations began for the conversion of the area, where the trees sitters were located, in a public protected park (https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2012/06/26/18716373.php).
Such a form of reaction connects nature protection with a way of life. It certainly leaves a legacy for the future.
The film is directed by Chris Cresci, Ben Mullinkosson and Sam Price-Waldman (Co-Directors).